Terms of Engagement for services
This document sets out the contractual terms upon which the Surveyor will advise the Client by means of a written report as to his or her opinion of the visible condition and state of repair of the property.
The report is not a guarantee that the property is free from defects other than those mentioned in the report but will be undertaken by a virtual home surveyor exercising reasonable professional diligence.
The report will be prepared solely for the benefit of the named client. No liability is accepted to third parties whatsoever. This report should not be disclosed in whole or in part to any other parties without the express consent of the House MOT Services.
If required, and upon payment of a reasonable administration fee, the report can be re-issued. No one should rely on the content of the report or make any inferences from it beyond the scope of the original instructions.
Content of the Report
- In accordance with these terms the Surveyor will report upon (SUBJECT TO THE REPORT COMISSIONED TO CARRY OUT)
- The main aspect of the property report is to find the small issues around your property before the problem turns in a larger more costly repair, this is what a separates us from a standard structural survey whereby they usually only report on larger issues and miss the small issues. This enables a “prevention over cure” ability of creating a healthy home again. House MOT Services will also assess the site and services.
- The grounds, boundaries and other aspects considered to affect the property.
- Any requirement for further investigation arising from the inspection.
Payment of Fees / Cancellation
Fees will be charged at rates agreed at instruction. VAT is chargeable. Payment is due before the Inspection is booked.
The Client will be entitled to cancel this contract by notifying House Mot Services offices at any time before the Inspection takes place. A full refund will be provided for cancellations made up until the end of the working day before the Inspection. Any cancellations made after the end of the working day before the Inspection or made on the day of the Inspection will be charged at 50% of the agreed fee.
In the event that if the Surveyor is frustrated in their attempts to carry out the Inspection due to matters beyond his control, an abortive fee of 50% of the agreed fee will be charged.
The Surveyor will rely on details of the property supplied by the client, vendor or vendor’s selling agent as appropriate.
Scope of the Inspection
The report is based on a visual inspection of the accessible parts of the building and the Inspection does not include the opening of the structure, removal of carpets contents etc.
A written report supersedes any verbal report, and it is the written report that should be relied upon before committing to any expenditure on the property.
There will inevitably be limitations to the scope of the inspection as our surveyors will not lift carpets or break into the structure. Ladder access can be achieved to a height of 3 metres and roof spaces and floor voids will be inspected where safe subject to limitations such as, but not limited to, loft insulation and stored items, but this will be by yourself guided by our virtual specialists if you feel comfortable in doing so.
We will guide you to inspect your property diligently, but you are not required to undertake any action that would risk damage to the Property or injury to yourself.
House MOT Services will not undertake any structural or other calculations.
The Inspection will include boundaries, grounds and permanent outbuildings but will not include constructions or equipment with a specific leisure purpose such as swimming pools, ponds, or tennis courts.
Inspection of the service installations is limited to visible areas only and no inspection will be made of any hidden or inaccessible sections. General comment as to apparent condition only is made and no tests will be undertaken, or comments made as to whether the system follows current legislation. The Surveyor will report if it is considered that tests are advisable. The survey does not check if appliances or fires are functional.
Apartments, flats or Maisonettes
Unless otherwise agreed, the Surveyor will inspect only the subject flat and garage (if any) and will comment in general terms about the related internal and external common parts and the structure of the building or block in which the subject flat is situated. Other flats will not be inspected.
Environmental and Other Issues
This report assumes that the Client’s solicitor will obtain an environmental assessment relating to the property covering matters such as Radon gas, flooding, landfill, subsidence, mining and historic uses and any hazardous ground conditions and pollution. A separate survey is advised for a specialist to survey for Japanese Knotweed identification as this can be difficult to find.
Hazardous Materials
The report will not comment specifically on the presence of asbestos or other hazardous materials as this falls outside the scope of a building survey.
Ground Conditions
The Surveyor will not be required to comment upon the possible existence of noxious substances, landfill or mineral extraction, or other forms of contamination. Limitations to a survey will include visibility of the property and grounds where there is vegetation screening parts of the property and landscape.
Consents, Approvals and Searches
The Surveyor will be entitled to assume that the property is not subject to any unusual or onerous restrictions, obligations or covenants that apply to the Property or affect the reasonable enjoyment of the property.
The Surveyor will be entitled to assume that all Planning, Building Regulations, and other consents needed in relation to the Property have been obtained. The Surveyor will not verify whether such consents have been obtained. The Client or the Client’s solicitor should make any enquiries. The Surveyor will not inspect drawings and specifications unless previously agreed.
Complaint Handling
If the Client has a complaint about the standard of service he or she has received, a formal complaint handling procedure will be followed. A copy of House MOT Services Limited complaints handling procedure is available upon request.
Limit of Liability
House MOT Services Limited Holds Professional Indemnity insurance with AXA.
The maximum liability under the policy is £1,000,000 (GBP) for any claim.